International Read to Me! Day
March 19th
“Reading brings us unknown friends.”
Let's make every day International Read to Me Day!
March 19th is just the start. We know how important reading is for children’s intellectual and social development. We can all help children with their reading and the idea of marking one special day when we do that is just one part of a much bigger strategy.
By having readers from around the world, International Read to Me! Day aims to begin and then continue a conversation which reveals the barriers to reading which are faced in different countries and communities. Some of these are a lack of resources, time-poor caregivers, inadequate educational support or geographic isolation, and an insufficient amount of literature in a child’s native language.
We have found that by sharing these challenges with our IRTMD community, we have been able to find solutions to some of these issues. Often, it can be a matter of sharing the needs of an organisation, and then celebrating the triumphs and successes. Through the use of social media on a global scale, International Read to Me! Day brings attention to the need and welcomes the involvement of those who wish to provide a solution.
So this is where you can truly help!
Picture this… If I read at 10am in Australia, Carmen (Ambassador in Panama) can have her children listen to a story read by me at 6pm her local time.
International Read to Me Day relaunched on 19 March 2021 to become a single ongoing global event, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year! By using Facebook live, we can read to children all over the world. It’s the ‘WE’ that creates the magic in this! With Ambassadors promoting the campaign, readers are invited to choose a 10-minute time slot from the calendar to share a story.
This way, together, we:
Instil an invaluable love of reading,
Make a genuine difference to the development of children’s vocabulary which is transformative to their futures,
Whilst promoting the work of incredible writers and illustrators and their publishers around the world,
At no cost to parents and caregivers (In fact, no-one receives any money at any stage of this campaign) and giving access irrespective of their socio-economic descriptors.
What YOU can do...
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Become a READER and volunteer to read to children at a time that suits you.
Support your Ambassadors as they promote International Read to Me! Day